Regardless of time or weather, your guests will never be disappointed.

Observatories are wonderful tools for observing celestial objects and phenomena. Many observatories host public events such as open houses, star parties, and observing nights. These valuable events are fun, but they come with some unique challenges. Guests may have never looked through a telescope or thought much about the night sky. Clouds can easily ruin your viewing plans, and some popular objects are unobservable at your location or date.

Challenges for Observatories

We have many observatory clients, and we have designed our solutions for these unique challenges.


Cover your topics regardless of the weather outside.


Easily prepare your guests for observing sessions regardless of their astronomy knowledge.


Our portable systems can store in a closet and set up in just minutes.


The flexibility of our systems allows you to easily adjust to the needs and interests of any audience.


Intuitive, easy to learn software makes training fun for staff and volunteers.


Grant and sponsor friendly. The best value and lowest cost of ownership on the market.

Observatory Solutions

Observatory Questions

What astronomy topics can I cover?

You can cover just about any topic you can think of, such as planetary observations, celestial mechanics, deep space objects, and much more. You can even cover non-astronomy topics with our incredibly flexible simulation systems.

What can the Digitarium do that I can’t do with my telescope?

Add labels to the sky and planetary bodies, fly around volumetric nebulae and galaxies, show all-sky surveys in multiple wavelengths, show the passage of time.

Can I add my own telescope images to Nightshade?

Yes, you can either show images on the dome positioned wherever you like, or you can position your images to show when you zoom in on a particular part of the sky.

Can I show live feeds from my telescope on my planetarium dome?

Yes, if you have an electronic eyepiece connected to a Real-Time Messaging Protocol server. Our support staff can help you set this up.

Our space is very limited, will your dome fit?

Our smallest standard dome is only 4m in diameter. We would be happy to work with you to build a dome that fits your building. Because Digitalis Domes are built at our headquarters, we have control over all aspects of design and construction.

How can we afford a planetarium system?

In addition to a lease to own program Digitalis can provide resources to help you find grants and other funding sources. Take a look at our funding guide and contact us for details.

As Used By

Observatories around the world like yours.

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